Discovering your Guardian Angel by Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 05:50
Every1 has a guardian angel to guide and protect them.You can learn how to contackt your angel to ask them for help.

Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 05:55
Angels are verry spiritual beings,recognised by many religions in the world.We can not see or hear them under normal circumstances, but every1 has a Guardian angel.Your's is near you all the time,loving you.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:00
PROVIDING COMFORT AND LOVE: Angels are always available to comfort and support you and will help when they know you are ready to receive their help.All you need to do is quietly and calmly send out a thought requesting their assistance.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:05
TIMES YOUR ANGEL CAN HELP YOU: Remember that your angel represents your personal needs so call on them and quietly ask for help.Your guardian angel can help and inspire you at difficult and testing times,offering support and comfort.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:09
(A) When you're feeling depressed,your angel will provide comfort,healing and vision in your darkest,most fearful moments.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:12
(/smiley When your feeling in need of emotional support,your guardian angel will support you unconditionaly and and provide emotional courage.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:15
(C) When your feeling lonely,your angel is there to provide love and you will be able to feel their presence when you are alone.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:19
(D) When you need day-to-day support,no matter is too trivail or too large to request your angel's advice or guidance.They are always there for you.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:24
Now,follow this simple exercice to help u contack your own guardian angel.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:38
(1)A PEACEFUL ENVIROMENT: To connect with your guardian Angel,create a space that is attractive and peaceful.Candles,flowers,lovely pictures,inspiring music and beautiful things all help to create a possitive mood.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 06:52
(2)BECOME RECEPTIVE:You are surrounded by the energies of your thoughts,and emotions.It is difficult for your angel to reach you if you are surrounded by negative emotions such as rage,fear or hurt.Try to let go of these emotions as much as possible so that you become more approachable.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 07:00
(3)COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS:Take a few minutes to count your blessings,think good thoughts about people you know,read an inspiring book or look at something beautiful.It is important to be calm,relaxed and centred.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 07:07
(4)CREATE A GOLDEN AURA:The easiest way to relax is to breathe deeply,softening your body on each outbreath.Imagine yourself breathing golden light untill u are enclosed in an egg of gold.Angels find it easier to connect with you when your aura is golden.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 07:19
(5)FEEL YOUR ANGEL'S TOUCH: Mentally ask your guardian angel to step into your aura and touch you.Expect a physical sensation,or a fragrance or feeling of great love.You may feel the light touch of an angel wing or a waft of air across your face.Even if you feel nothing,trust that your angel has responded and is verry close to you.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 07:23
(6)ASK YOUR ANGEL'S NAME:Ask your guardian angel what its name is and accept the first name that comes to you.Ask for any help you need.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/29 07:25
(7)SAY THANK YOU:Thank your guardian and open your eyes.
JUCY_LUCY 2008/08/31 06:35
I have contacted my guardian angel a while back.Thanx for sharing this to all ppl.The angels are put on earth to assist us in any way.They want us to call on them.
Mc-PamV 2008/09/02 08:55
Just as there is a guardian angel for every1 of us,so there are angels for each day of the week. Wear clothes or light a candle in the colour of an angel to feel his influence.
Mc-PamV 2008/09/02 09:01
MONDAY CHAMUEL LOVE,ADORATION: Whose name means "He who seeks God",is the angel of love and adoration.He will be able to increase ur ability to love both urself and others if u invite him to help u.As u love urself more,so others will love u too.COLOURS: PIENK,WHITE,RED.
Mc-PamV 2008/09/02 09:08
TUESDAY MICHAEL COURAGE,PROTECTION: Is the Angel of courage and protecktion.If u feel unsafe in any way,use Michael's influence to dispel all negative energy.He is 1 Angel u will want to have by ur side at all times to keep u safe from harm and protected from fear.COLOURS: ORANGE,GOLD,WHITE.
Mc-PamV 2008/09/02 09:14
WEDNESDAY RAPHAEL HEALING,WISDOM: Whose name means "God heals",is the Angel of healing and vision.Turn to Raphael if u are in any kind of pain,be it physical or emotional.His influence will enable u to find the causes behind the pain,thus providing u with the insight u need to being the healing process.COLOURS: YELLOW,WHITE,GREY.

Replies: 51

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