Kunfu panda by Xcel 2008/08/18 07:34
What do u mak of dis film?hav u seen a better one

Xcel 2008/08/27 19:27
Thats one crazy movie
Oy4luv 2008/08/27 21:04
Havn't watch it
-SwEeThArT- 2008/10/21 22:07
lol heard bout it but never think bout it...i mean ...not intrested..*
StOrM_RyDeR 2008/12/10 00:44
Havent seen tht movie..

jay5 2009/01/05 08:45
fu9it1v3 2009/01/05 10:49
hillarious. love it. /smiley
MAC 2009/01/06 00:27
I LIke the movies
Frost_Ogre 2009/02/02 21:38
/smiley this film is realy STUPD!
T-boi_007 2009/02/04 07:21
It's d bst animation ever.
shelli 2009/02/19 12:46
Took my daughter to see it at drive in we liked it
Farmer 2009/02/19 15:10
Was ok.. I didn't really enjoy it tho..
cool_hunk 2009/02/19 18:41
nice movie
Rayquaza 2009/02/20 01:42
Hey kung fu panda is nice i love it
RY3_SDGR 2009/02/23 11:55
Wonderful.. Released my tension..
sarah 2009/02/26 11:05
It was a nice and funny movie. /smiley
six_bLOoD 2009/02/27 04:56
Funny n animated..
Nibras 2009/02/27 10:57
I've never watch it.
Laketempest 2009/03/10 09:38
I like it. Its gd 4 yng martial arts practioners 2 c.
silent5o 2009/05/15 17:55
its a great film. . . . i think i av a panda at my backyard. .haha
BoUgEnVilLe 2009/06/02 02:47
Funny m0viEs..n0nE st0p laUghiNg fr0m bEgiNniNg tilL thE eNd 0f st0ry/smiley.hehe.

Replies: 74

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