Ayodaily2009/01/11 11:53 Someone should please pm me IP n PORT of google and hidelive.
Hades2009/01/11 12:45 t9space.com dnt know the port
Hades2009/01/11 12:48 google.com hidelive.com n still, dnt know the port numbr
gandulf2009/01/17 14:49 Pls hades how do i use ip and port of a particular site e.g google
jayrapple082009/01/18 06:41 hi can i ask question? i have problem about 2wap proxy i doesnt function any more..wat wil i do? i cant go to the other site.. pm me..tnx
loving2009/01/19 19:54 My IP is and proxy address is web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net. just try it
loving2009/01/19 20:20 Pls my pple try and ask direct question so that we can give u ur answers.just pm me for any question