Anti Viruses + Updates by U-F-O 2008/06/27 18:59
i'm using N72. AND need good anti-virus for my cell phone. help me please. please drop pm in my inbox if you've such one.

Badboy89 2008/09/25 07:51
Can u plez give me anti virus 2 proteck my 7610 from matrix coz every time i've used my 7610 matri will appear n erase my data all of it even my fileman
TerrY-G 2008/09/30 05:21
Nah wat kind of virus is dat
ShAhZaDa 2008/11/03 07:21
Dr.loony Use F-secure it s the best 4 nokia.
ShAhZaDa 2008/11/03 07:38
antivirus for all mobiles. Select ur phone n download antivirus
* F-secure antivirus
but it s trial version.

xYzEn 2008/11/04 07:32
pls uplod kaspersky for s60v1 fones.. Tnx!..
ShAhZaDa 2008/11/04 10:09
Dr.looney Your mobile n73 is s60 v3 so choose the anti virus which is compatible wth s60v3 and download that from the link which i hav already posted.
allexclusive 2008/11/04 14:52
Mam for s60v3 may be u have to sign it by pc. Few s60v3 cells does not like antivirus atall !
xYzEn 2008/11/04 17:34
i guess ders n0 kAv 4 s60v1.. Hmmm.. How about new virus definiti0nz 4 NETQIN?.. Any0ne?..
PopSoDa 2008/12/30 06:23
guyz . .help me,up aviraxx ,4 platform os9 . .
dhandy14 2008/12/30 15:52
i need anti virus 0n my N70 pls help me...tnx guyz!
allexclusive 2008/12/31 00:18
s40 does not need antivirus
dhandy14 2008/12/31 07:29
i need anti virus 4 my N70 pls help me,tny guyz...
Hell_bound 2009/01/07 14:04
Kaspersky 7.0 License code /smiley


Shahdil 2009/01/19 20:13
isn't there any anti-virus which can be in .jar format??
Hell_bound 2009/01/22 22:35
Just try it /smiley

Shahdil 2009/01/27 19:57
Quote: Hell_bound: Just try it /smiley
is this for me Hell bound???

Saintlebo 2009/02/07 02:26
I need anti virus 4 my norton 2006 bt its so outdated.thanx
-StingRay- 2009/02/25 15:36
Quote: Saintlebo: I need anti virus 4 my norton 2006 bt its so outdated.thanx

why dont just use avast,,can get a very good serials too outside there../smiley

Ray 2009/03/13 09:11
Any1 knw how 2 surf web using opera v8.65(?)
-linda- 2009/03/29 10:20
Is tis all d anti virus for hp? /smiley so little (tweety) which antivirus cn b put in mmc suitable for nokia s60v2 but small in size n powerful? (tnx)
Replies: 65

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