Fav colour for your phone by
Nemesis 2008/06/07 17:25
I know sum1 who like pink for her phone, do you have fav colour for ur phone?
brats 2009/01/20 09:46
block is mine
SAGITTARIUS 2009/01/20 12:04
silver-black..N81,95 in black n N73 in silver.
Allanleonard17 2009/01/21 07:05
BLue is My FaVe. . W/ red,green,yellow,white,black,orange,pink,brown,violet,gray,. . . Hehe. . In other words "maski nanO. ." haha. .
Dewi 2009/01/21 18:30
I love dark colour. .So mine is blaCk. .Black beauty
modele 2009/01/21 20:48
Mine is navy blue
Sweethony 2009/02/02 08:54
Id like col0r red bc0z my heart is red
shazy866 2009/02/02 17:57
silver with blue buttons
Aemi 2009/02/06 15:59
Pink , black n silver colour
Arpit23 2009/02/09 06:17
For me black wid red
Farmer 2009/02/11 15:40
Black or silver..
Tweetylicious 2009/02/11 16:44
all 3 of my mobiles are black and silver..
sINdArELa 2009/02/12 16:48
l0l,i already p0st b4.. current hp c0l0ur.. black.. hekhe..
Shush14 2009/02/12 21:54
black body with red shades on it. with red buttonss
ICON 2009/04/27 13:41
charcoal . .
KraZy 2009/04/28 06:17
black ..
SAGITTARIUS 2009/04/28 08:28
Mostly silver..black also not bad.
Replies: 243
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