ARCHIVE:s60v3,Os9.1/2 install by Hano 2008/06/03 20:13
Wel no need 4 sighning apps no more..u wil need these files aswel Install Server Os9.1 or Install Server Os9.2 nd then ofcoz Xplore nd then Hellocarbide-yeah- .... So jst dwnld dem all below -gap-

kacybelle 2008/08/27 14:05
allexclusive 2008/08/27 19:25
@gscorpy then do the signsis or secman trick to get certif etc
Jan666 2008/08/30 11:58
Org atas mengarut ape weh
_ziman_ 2008/09/02 00:55
do u know how 2 hide same file in galeri on hp nokia n73? please send 2 my inbox ok thankz.
Joseph_09 2008/09/06 08:36
Hello. . . .Hmmm. . .0s9? Great idea. . . .
Dhawalcrazy 2008/09/16 21:21
Qui xplore
-sanDers- 2008/09/22 03:55
i'll try if i have an os.9phone! lol
opened85 2008/10/05 14:32
No comment. Go ahead..
hardcore 2008/10/14 08:03
my cp is os6 oNLY,
humandaka 2008/10/17 12:04
Elow! Thanks_ i dis thread
Nazlan 2008/11/11 04:56
sNZuiV 2008/12/13 08:56
This topic for hack ur fon to install,unsinged software. .if u dont hack ur os9 . .when u want install ,of coz jus xpired right?so juz hack. .hehe. .
sNZuiV 2008/12/13 14:55
I have a tool hacker 4malaysia user. .hehe
allexclusive 2008/12/13 23:34
Look for free signer app in fileshare forum pinned thread which is now fully capable of selfsigning without any certificate fetch from other sources
CuTeBuNny 2008/12/14 05:41
gud /smiley
amonez 2008/12/23 08:37
allexclusive 2008/12/25 15:12
use drakarious hack @ gscorpy. pm me
Hell_bound 2008/12/26 15:03
That's trick make my phone not can instal aplication
efenurefelix 2011/09/28 12:03
efenurefelix 2011/09/30 06:53
Dis isnt working
Replies: 40

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#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
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