Is suicide really easy way out? by Wolfman 2008/05/22 16:16
Is it as easy as music and movies say? Cud u put ur family and friends through it?

SpArKo 2008/10/03 06:39
It's the toughest job on earth. Ironically, implies to both coward and cowboy simultaneously.
KingFISHER 2008/10/13 04:17
Its hard thn harder.
Unpretty_Marie 2008/10/13 12:13
I've tried it bef0re t0o., and like d0c, im glad i didn't succeed..
Yuvi 2008/10/15 11:44
I hv nevr tried nt ivl nt try also
zenny 2008/10/21 09:06
Sometimes, it jst the only way out
SuraaJ 2008/10/23 05:52
nah neva tried nor would gonna try it out .. i love ma lyf alot
_s0ham_ 2008/10/23 16:03
I'l put an actual minute by minute commentry for you people who thinking or thought about suicide so clicked on this thread.
*something triggers the anger or sadness.
* you associate all recent and past incidents with the current 'incident'.. And feel that.. Its only this thing.. That is going in your life.
*most probably you will cry.. Or go all depressed or act a award winning drama actor and sit or lie quitely.. Feeling bot uaslf lyk sum gr8 persn.
thn u will think

_s0ham_ 2008/10/23 16:09
.....about al the options ..that will take you out of the suffering.. Most people choose poison or sleeping pills because they want a painless way out .. And some of 'em dont care about pain.. And its usually the second kind of people that succeed.. Assume you took the pill
*now you are all calm with yourself.. You feel like you will nomore face it.. And some level of control returns.. Or if you are drunk or took the decision for suicide quite quickly then you will be still sobbing.

_s0ham_ 2008/10/23 16:14
*now while your stomach is busy digesting the pill .. You will be left wondering.. What to do now.. How to pass the time.. Or most of the times recollect your recent life incidents and feel sentimental about your loved ones.. With a mixed feeling of sadness.. You will start to realise.. How much you mean to some people and what have u dne was it really neccesary 4 u 2 commit suicide? You will start feeling that was not needed at all![ only if ur brain is still in the working conditi
_s0ham_ 2008/10/23 16:18
condition] .. Now you will feel like somebody is snatching everything from you.. You will start feeling more sad.. That every little cute things that you used to enjoy .. Will be no more with you.. You will start realising that life is nothing but the little things that used to give you hapines bt which you chose to ignore for something bigger..
you will understand how great life is.. At the steps of death... And only if u r lucky.. U'l live again 2 c it all.

Lollipop 2008/10/25 20:43
I want 2 try it
U-F-O 2008/10/30 13:53
it's not a hard task at all -die-
PHoEbE 2008/11/27 23:22
Ermm.,i tried b4 but after th0ught b0ut its c0nsequences,I didnt make it~ Thanx t0 God,im still ere! /smiley Forgive my 0wn mistakes..Pls f0rgive me.! -sadcry- im t0o tensed dat tym..
PHoEbE 2008/11/27 23:22
Its such a stupid mistake!
Expert77174 2008/12/01 01:41
I had tryed it 3 times and the bad part is that i am still posting on 2 wap ! ! dont worry one of these i will get it right ! !
Password 2008/12/05 06:47
1. Music has nothing to do... 2. It is not an easy way... 3. Just happen to the people that has not the courage to face life and that doesnt feel blessed to be alive... And more than despite that conduct... Im pity 4 them cause they dont know how important is to be alive...
Manal 2009/09/18 13:47
Nt yet been tried
Barbiecute 2010/05/23 14:15
No its vry hard
ACIDized 2010/05/24 06:41
it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
Fluxion 2011/02/06 18:18
i'm still trying
Replies: 43

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