Free Internet P.C/LAPTOP .. by sumit4u 2008/05/13 06:01
Plz post your tricks..

allexclusive 2010/04/11 08:53
Quote: Unprodigal_daughter: South Africa doesn't have free surfing
Live in India then! /smiley

_vIsHaL_ 2010/04/29 18:42
Use wi-fi.../smiley
Jamotech 2010/04/30 10:47
I do not know about pc
Profesor 2010/04/30 11:56
U cant get
Spanks99 2010/06/24 19:15
S.a. do have free internet with 3g stick with mtn voda and cellc using tricks
Luikang 2010/07/10 20:01
Keep it up guys
Alasadot 2010/07/10 23:16
@9ija mtn is d best its jst #3oooper mnt
VijaY 2010/07/27 12:38
I'll suggest u 2 go 4 a DOCOMO sim..Bcoz it now provides a super gprs offer...By dis recharge we can get 10 gb usage 4 one month.........
VijaY 2010/07/27 12:42
If u hav a datacable 2 ur phone,connect that 2 ur pc & use ur phone as a modem...
VijaY 2010/07/27 12:47
U can learn more about this in the official website of TATA DOCOMO

Replies: 30

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