Do u beliv in magic? by
Halloow 2008/04/27 13:09
Cn u explain how cn magic do? But b4 do u beliv in magic?
Halloow 2008/04/27 13:10
I dont know, lol ,heheh
Sri123 2008/04/27 13:36
It is combination of logical technique. I have a professional magician friend, i learnde lots of things from him.
Blind 2008/04/27 13:40
I dnt beliv.
Hano 2008/04/27 14:37
plain crap
.. So no i dnt blieve it
zhEirA 2008/04/28 03:57
lol.,i can do certain magic trix.,
brOkeN_tEarS 2008/04/29 21:39
I dnt knw if i believe in it..
DOLPHINLADY 2008/04/30 19:31
Magic is what u make it 2 b.
Halloow 2008/06/03 04:55
Ofcorz n0t, dey perform magic by many tricks.., but those tricks is n0t simple n0t easy to learn.
-linda- 2008/06/12 13:05
-flyingwitch- Yup i believe
U-F-O 2008/06/13 11:47
No don't. But You know,example of miracle is not impossible to find out. -magic-
GinnyPotter 2008/06/18 19:40
Magics r just tricks 2 entertain us...
Doofy 2008/06/23 10:51
yeah i do...
BuShBaBy 2008/07/09 10:59
Only magic i believe in is the magic when ppl are inlove
TROY 2008/07/20 07:14
nope. . i jus knw hw to hire a magician. .the one who takes rabit out of his hat. .
MYA 2008/07/20 10:26
I dnt blieve it.. bUt i lyk the magic shOw
ViZaRD 2008/07/24 04:15
Im believe that magic..
Darkseeker92 2008/07/25 01:35
N0p i dnt believe in magic....
Password 2008/12/06 08:35
Nope not in magic but ilusionism...
Replies: 44
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