How much do u spend for ur wap by Natakuno 2008/04/25 14:58
Mine is free, ^^

ibrahim12 2009/09/09 07:22
i browse 4 free
ibrahim12 2009/09/09 07:23
free of cost
loverboy14 2009/09/09 07:32
as a nija guy is 4 free
loverboy14 2009/09/09 07:34
i have been browsing 4 free 4 d past 2 yrs
Nibras 2009/09/09 12:18
Yourpalbk 2009/09/10 01:52
@all-nothing its free
priceless 2009/09/10 14:18
Its dEpends upoN my frEe time. . .
Bad.devil 2009/09/10 18:41
papyrus22 2009/09/17 19:34
4-20euro per month
Dave 2009/09/18 07:55
Free using mtn
khokz 2009/09/18 12:03
My itz free..unlimtd free browsing techniques./smiley.hacker zone team..nyahaha..
MaDdY 2009/09/18 17:17
In mobile free in computer on average 150 rupees
Ralson 2009/09/22 07:37
Free.but it's through hacking!! In 9ja
Maclanry 2009/09/22 10:07
I dont spend any naria or kobo.but i use trick to browse free
hagemaru 2009/09/26 02:03
Mine als0 free
Holumiedey 2009/09/30 09:28
Sometimes free and some times i pay.
Arjyo 2009/10/01 03:53
Hmmm! ;( itz secret! /smiley
Arjyo 2009/10/01 03:57
Teach me d hacking procedure of using n browsing wap absolutely free of cost.
sidzlifez 2009/10/02 02:53
4 free! /smiley seriously.
N3WL1F3 2009/10/02 16:39
R389 (South African currency) thn i buy a 2 gig data bundle but hav 2 use it within 2 mnths b4 it xpires.
Replies: 138

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