San andreas or vice city? by Halloow 2008/04/17 10:02
What type of gta u want? Post ur comment here

m.j 2010/02/09 01:44
San Andreas is d best
Trax 2012/01/29 12:31
Sanandrias is better than vicecity
ACIDized 2012/01/30 15:06
San Andreas is better! Even better than GTA IV (GTA IV has better graphics though)
Punk_aljon 2012/01/30 20:25
Gta san andreas is good ,
bad-apple 2012/02/01 17:39
San Andreas, havent seen gta4 though.
KingFISHER 2012/02/03 03:34
VC I mean Vice city.
rameshQ7 2012/02/06 20:37
Vice city
Realest_edd 2012/02/19 21:26
I've completed Vice City,I wanna try out San Andreas now. I heard its a Must-play!
yusouf 2012/03/12 23:46
let me try GTA san andress
Trax 2012/03/18 04:01
grand theft auto(sanandrias)is best comparison vice city
HEIZAR 2012/04/10 08:43
Vice city is tha bomb/smiley bt ihavent played sanandreasB-(
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/08 05:52
Good Games
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/08 05:52
-luk- good
SAFDAR 2013/07/09 00:25
voice city is best. becouse i have not played sandares
Replies: 74

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