Ur Ghostly Encounters by Po10c-Angel2008/04/06 20:02 -ghost- Have U Ever Been In A Real Haunted House OR Ever Seen, Felt Or Heard A Ghost? Plz Share Ur Experiences & BE HONEST PLZ! -ghost-
Aleen2009/10/08 17:00 My house that m nw living in is haunted. There are several ghost i saw, well i saw it in a form of a shadow, quickly glides 4m one room to another. Luckily they dnt do bad to me and the kids...not yet..
ghostfreak2010/06/27 12:54 i have never encountered ghosts b4.oops am a ghost
Fluxion2011/02/06 18:27 It has never hapend to me...!
Po10c-Angel2011/07/29 09:37 I have never seen a ghost but i have definately felt them. Trust me its not a nice feeling when u have a couple of spirits rushing past and through u and almost knocking u over.