Evil or Not by DrLOONY 2007/12/28 19:51
The publics percepti0n of v0odoo rites and rituals seemz often 2 p0int 2 the evil or malicious side of thngs...

Riddle 2010/05/08 22:35
Quote: Amarylis: i can cast a spell too
that is very great,how?

Riddle 2010/05/08 22:44
Awh... This is getting under my skin!
Bangali 2010/05/11 08:50
Spellcasting is very popular concept here.
Fluxion 2011/02/06 18:09
i can cast a spell too

detrimentum 2014/08/09 06:07
White witch and black witch scenario. . . Perhaps the same counts for voodoo. I think voodoo comes from a place filled with anger though, so i can't see any good intentions regarding it.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/03 08:24
I blieve it

Replies: 46

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