My personal applications collection~ by SpArKo 2007/10/21 11:49
Hi, Here i'm uploading the various applications i've in my phone (N70). Actually i'm creating there backup here to prevent loosing them on formatting my phone ;) You can also download them but remember to check the compatibility of your phone.. Its for S60v2, OS8.1

allexclusive 2008/01/23 16:18
6260 is os7 s60v2 midp2
SpArKo 2008/03/18 05:20
Thanks Yuva /smiley
Jony 2008/05/02 16:42
Nice work sparko
SpArKo 2008/05/02 18:22
Visit here for more downloads, its my site!
supanova 2008/09/04 16:42
cool downloads mate..-up-
Hump-j 2008/09/21 11:21
Pls upload alsphalt 4 3d
Sidh 2009/03/26 05:47
yep thanx for sharing
gInGeRjAdE 2009/03/26 16:07
thank u! /smiley
Popeye 2009/04/03 08:34
My Cell Phone E 61i...i am also uploading APPS
wexehs 2009/04/05 15:28
all u ned s here n 1 n 1st mobile file exchanger in wap history. . . . 100.99% free u all nothing but to click here.
framaki2008 2009/04/19 12:33
thank you so much. able to download so much and i,m very happy for this wondorful applications
-linda- 2009/04/24 04:40
*tnx* 4 sharing
Kingaadi 2013/02/02 16:39
i like mobile game
King4love 2013/08/01 06:17
4 which phone.
Replies: 54

#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
For phones, computing, consoles, gadgets, & internet talk, plus share apps & other files.