Pink vs. Avril lagvine by Mamello1 2007/10/04 17:00
Which is d best

Lilsaint 2010/03/03 18:37
I dont know them
evil_inside 2010/03/11 02:49
Quote: DILJEET: pink is best bUT WHOz piNK

Hunter-D 2010/03/11 08:17
Quote: Dolphinman: none dont like any of them./smiley

That makes us 2 -funny-

evil_inside 2010/03/11 22:20
i like them b0oth:
opened85 2010/03/11 23:43
Quote: BaByElmO: AvRiL !


virus96 2010/03/12 04:48
Avril lagvin
Sleeping_beauty 2010/05/31 06:10
Avril Lavigne.
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2010/05/31 06:28
avril lavigne
coolchix 2010/06/01 08:17
i love avril
Doubl-D 2010/06/01 14:09
I love Avril but i also love the vibe pink pushes. Dam ths is a hard one
DegenrationX 2010/06/01 16:03
I like pink but avril sucks
DonTundex 2010/06/02 16:25
Bt are good
lAvendEr 2010/06/03 03:29
Ms.Cherry 2010/06/04 11:02
DareDevil 2010/06/04 11:07
Both ! Pink is just abit old tho so her voice sounds pretty mature whereas avril still sounds like a beautiful teenage girl
Soul_mate 2010/06/04 12:35
Avril is best
Ms.Cherry 2010/06/04 13:32
lol P!nk may be older....but she WAY better than Avril
DareDevil 2010/06/04 13:50
Quote: Ms.Cherry: lol P!nk may be older....but she WAY better than Avril
lol come on you can't compare those 2! Pink is like lady gaga ! Haha

Lilsaint 2010/06/04 23:33
Both are nice
mauri_tapu 2010/09/01 03:58
They both have their own styles. I like Pink more though as she doesn't seem afraid of anything plus she is really awsome in concert.

Replies: 228

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