Pink vs. Avril lagvine by Mamello1 2007/10/04 17:00
Which is d best

Ponlove91 2008/08/18 16:05
I think they r both good but avril is better
Blommie 2008/08/18 21:40
I love pink
Joey 2008/08/19 09:35
I don't even know 'em.....
imm0r7al-g1rl 2008/08/24 00:05
niecha_vanilla 2008/09/26 13:01
Avril Lavigne! Rock on
Duncan_tjat 2008/09/26 13:50
Pink is d best
jokie 2008/09/26 14:01
Meltdown 2008/09/26 14:06
I luv em both.
Hump-j 2008/09/26 20:08
Dont knw u choose

Hypnotique 2008/09/26 23:01
Avril Lavigne. Her lyrics crush my being.
-SwEeThArT- 2008/09/26 23:10
Frayz-3 2008/09/26 23:29
Dey both gud!
mudblood_07 2008/09/28 13:47
hey ya, they don't have the same genre. Pink is into pop, while Avril, well, she's into pop rock. Lol. . It should be pink versus katy perry!
BULLETPROOF 2008/09/28 19:40
Oje 2008/09/29 05:03
Definately pink
G-spell 2008/09/29 05:04
The are both nice.
StOrM_RyDeR 2008/11/20 07:44
Bunkfickx 2008/11/20 13:37
Erm,no comment..Mybe same..
know_no 2008/11/21 12:49
Avril is da best!
Princess_Choco 2008/11/27 05:31

Replies: 228

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