HAPPY BIRTHDAY ShAhZaDa17 by -Marizelle-2013/03/02
On Sunday March3,our dear admin and friend user#ShAhZaDa celebrates his birthday. Come on let's floo...
PLEASE HELP WITH THIS.9 by Shaev72013/03/17
I have issues with this user user#TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY and user#STUNNER which I got a report that both ...
GhostRider vs TRADEDY_STAY_FLY17 by Shaev72013/03/15
Battle expires on 18/3/2013 3pm Nig time
im in the mood1 by Kgoxz2013/03/19
Im in da MOOD 2 get FOOD...
I can't cook, so i'ma eat bloody flesh jst 2 look RUDE...
5 things. . . . .4 by THE_SPEAR_KING2012/06/11
1. Total no. Of gfs
2. How many times i eat.
3. Password of my lappy
4. Mob no. (if unknown boy ...
History behind Burqa2 by Rebellion2013/03/16
कà¥à¤¯à¤¾ आप जानते हैं कि...... इसà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤® में बà¥à¤°à¥...
Right or wrong....1 by Doncle2013/03/14
Virginity is like a balloon, once broken & it's gone forever!
Sex is like a pack of chips,once u...
Happy birthday thehotest11 by -Marizelle-2013/03/07
Hi friends. On Friday,March,8 our friend, user#thehotest is celebrates his birthday. Let's flood his...
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY vs Yungboss11 by Shaev72013/03/13
Exclussive Brawl
Settle ya differences...
Tragedy spits first
Happy birthday to LOVELY_GURL13 by KingFISHER2013/03/11
Hi you# my sweet sister user#LOVELY_GURL has a birthday on Tuesday 12th March 2013 . Plz post ur be...
VOTING AREA SN147 by Amorian2012/05/18
Hello, please your vote is needed here as only 4 participants can proceed to the next level of the b...
BB2WAP PLAYERS LIST!15 by Amorian2012/05/20
Below are the names of the participants for the [topic=3071362]BB2WAP RELOADED[/topic] game:
win plusses game.102 by Aamir2012/07/19
(hello) friends.
This is not any event or contest but only a game.
I will give 500 plusses fr...
RB: Tragedy_Stay_Fly VS YungBoss10 by Eleto2013/02/24
Rules: 2 verses each. Battle Valid For two days. Put your best in your lines!!!!!!!!
Lets spit fi...