Happy birthday to Zaphara !17 by KingFISHER2014/02/13
Hi friend! I,m gladly announce that my best friend and favourite buddy user#Zaphara has a birthday o...
Birthday of my friend13 by KingFISHER2014/02/12
Hi friend! My buddy user#Someone / Vipul has a birthday on 13th february2014 . Best wishes to him on...
Happy birthday to You9 by KingFISHER2014/02/12
Hi friend! My buddy user#uonlyliveonce is going to celebrate her birthday on 13February 2014. Here i...
"Best Avatar"36 by Sweetcapricorn2012/01/21
Gv cment abt da abv postrs Avatar, gud,ok,super duper,lovely,beautiful,ugly,great, etc...
* happy birthday suni *4 by Swt.Raaz2014/02/06
For my favorite friend, I
wish you all your
favorite things on your
lucky day.
The perfect recip...
*I WANT 2 PLEAD WITH EVERY 2WAPPER*25 by Kayli2014/02/04
I beg all 2wappers, Plz stop hurting each other, and stop posting nasty an ugly things about members...