Aircel free sms trick1 by king diamond2014/04/19
Send sms to kreg yournickname to 52333 your.send sms on same for your friend nickname.send kp yourfr...
Save Android phone Battery4 by Basim3602014/04/17
Android phones always having complains about their low battery power. They surely not stay on for mo...
Html smiley code3 by king diamond2014/04/25
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What is smarty?1 by king diamond2014/04/25
Smarty is a web template system written in PHP. Smarty is primarily promoted as a tool for separatio...
Get free trick daily3 by nhsolo2014/02/15
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Office 2010 activation keys7 by DareDevil2011/11/22
Well , I made the same topic not long ago, can't find it anymore tho , probably deleted, so requesti...
- Facebook "Adds" 'Dislike' ¿6 by SAFDAR2014/04/02
Every time I go through
Facebook timelines scrolling,
reading, but I never truly tell how
I feel ...