Fun & Comedy

Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.

Terr0r attack 6 by _-AkKI-_ 2012/04/15 07:32
[b]Terr0r attack[/b] Teacher in exam hall: If any doubt ask me... -old- [b]Terry[/b] : Maa...
Boy & girl by Habeeb 2009/05/04 19:47
Girl: How much u love me? Boy: Like sajahan. Girl: Then when will u build Taj Mahal? Boy...
SuBrAt Nd HiS gF... by __NaUtY_aKkI__ 2011/08/07 04:36
OnCe SuBrAt Nd HiS gF wEnt To a PaRk.... ThErE, tHeY sAw 2 dOgS kIsSiNg EaCh OtHeR.. wHiLe SeEiNg Th...
lets laugh-8 by Akhungal 2012/03/22 18:40
One day old man Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the Illinois State Fair. There is this man selli...
examination : game of cricket by Trax 2012/03/25 07:50
[b]examination hall[/b] : [b]play ground[/b],[b]student[/b] : [b]batsman[/b],[b]pen[/b] : [b]bat[/b]...
The accident by _cowboy_ 2011/04/16 03:08
A woman and man get into a car accident. Both of their cars are totally demolished, but amazingl...
Terry in class0om.. by _-AkKI-_ 2012/03/18 04:20
T3acher : Do y0u kn0w that Issac N3wt0n prov3d that a t3nn!s ball can b3 turned nsId3 out wIth0ut c...
Message by..... by lion 2012/01/11 15:44
Guys please stop making jokes on me otherwise I will delete the Internet.. This massage is bein...
2wappers must laugh! (part 6) by Dunrichie 2011/01/10 07:36
[small]To view previous parts, click the number below, according to the part[/small] [small]parts: ...
Akki and vipul by _EdGE_ 2012/03/08 06:14
Once akki and vipul were going to forest for adventure they had a conversation [b]Akki[/b] : let's...
Question lolz by Sweetdoct247 2011/12/17 07:15
Who can answer this question? If a single teacher can't teach us all the subjects then how could ...
pee dreams by _dreamprince_ 2011/01/19 11:47
*pee dreams* why is there never a good toilet in pee dreams, i had one last night, and the toile...
Newtons law by Undiscover 2011/04/21 18:58
1st law : Every particle of d sperm tries 2 be in its state of rest or of uniform motion unless an e...
Life before computer.. by Sweetdoct247 2011/12/31 05:24
LIFE BEFORE COMPUTER WINDOW was a square hole in a room. APPLICATION was something written in paper....
one thing to bring by scarllete 2011/12/03 01:41
3 men who wer bOut to go to outer space but dey wer only gven 1 THING to bring. man1: ok, i wan...
Befor and After marriage by Prince_Michay 2012/02/09 20:00
[BEFORE MARRIAGE] BOY: I have been waiting for this day. GIRL: Do you want me to leave? ... BO...
Lets laugh-5 by Akhungal 2012/02/20 20:54
Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked theother, "Fred, h...
Valentine Date by Rose_Of_Prince 2012/02/09 09:59
Me and Akki were planning for our valentine's date.. AKKI:Jaan,where do you want to spend our valen...
God's time by Sweetdoct247 2011/09/20 14:26
Man: Lord, what is a million years like to You God: its like 1 second Man: And what is a mil...
Lets laugh-2 by Akhungal 2012/02/04 21:18
"What time does the library open?" the man on the phone asked. "Nine A.M." came the reply. "And wha...
