Myth&Mystery 397 Topics

For discussion of mythologies, ancient cultures, the supernatural, mysticism and folklore. Explore the darker mysteries of life here.

MELUSINA 7 by Laketempest 2010/11/09
[b] [big]Melusina Luxembourg![/b] [/big] Melusina is said to have been the wife of the founder of...
CUT IT DOWN. 13 by STAIN 2010/11/06
They once lived a lonely old woman, Mrs Grace, who was found guilty of being a witch. Sir Steve the ...
Spell to loss weight 13 by _dreamprince_ 2010/11/07
Candle Weight Loss Spell You get 1 white, 1 blue, and 1 yellow candle. Light them all in ...
Spell for physical body change 7 by _dreamprince_ 2010/11/07
Spell for Physical Body Change Requires: Small piece of paper, Quartz crystal, Some string ...
THE MERMAID WIFE 10 by Laketempest 2010/11/13
[u]Legend from Shetland Islands![/u] A story is told of an inhabitant of Unst, who, in walking on...
HEALING 9 by Laketempest 2010/11/17
Have you ever been the witness to any form of healing done to another person that was not done medic...
Zeus 11 by Spoon 2010/11/25
Top God of the Earth and Ruler of Mount Olympus, the lofty cloudland where the Greek Gods live and l...
Folktales from the Philippines 15 by Spoon 2010/11/30
How the First Head Was Taken Igorot One day the Moon, who was a woman named Kabigat, sat out i...
The Story Of Hinemoa 6 by EloraM23 2010/11/26
When I think of Lake Rotorua in the middle of the North Island of New Zealand I see it at night. I u...
Ragnarok 13 by Spoon 2010/11/25
Ragnarok ("Doom of the Gods"), also called Gotterdammerung, means the end of the cosmos in Norse myt...
Aura Reading 10 by EloraM23 2010/11/30
In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radia...
INTERPRETE MY DREAM 19 by OkiJ 2010/11/17
2 days ago, i was in a dream in this dream i wedded a gurl who i dont even know. everything luks mor...
biggdaddys bigg mystery 5 by biggdaddy 2011/02/24
Hiya biggdaddy here . What happened to the bermuda triangle, ,? Why did it stop workink...
PHOENIX FACTS 9 by Laketempest 2011/02/24
[b]In ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, the phoenix is a mythical bird and associated with the E...
ZOMBIE FACTS 12 by Laketempest 2011/02/25
[b]A zombie is traditionally an undead person in the Caribbean spiritual belief system of voodoo. Es...
MERMAID FACTS 7 by Laketempest 2011/02/25
[b]A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the head and torso of human female and the tail of...
MEDUSA 8 by Laketempest 2011/02/28
[b]Medusa is a gorgon but unlike her sisters, was a mortal. Born beautiful, Medusa was seduced by Po...
SKINWALKERS!! 10 by ImmaBE 2011/02/25
Skinwalkers [img=] are supernatural c...
SHAPESHIFTERS!! 11 by ImmaBE 2011/02/25
[big][b]Shapeshifters[/b][/big] [img=
WEREWOLF FACTS 8 by Laketempest 2011/02/24
> The legend of the werewolf is centuries old, having first appeared as we have come to know it in t...
Topics: 397
