Myth&Mystery 397 Topics

For discussion of mythologies, ancient cultures, the supernatural, mysticism and folklore. Explore the darker mysteries of life here.

Goth Art! 16 by Po10c-Angel 2009/01/12
Are U Fan Of Goth Art? What Is Goth Art & Do U Know Any Goth Paintings Or Artists? ...
* SPELLS * 21 by DareDevil 2009/03/26
Anyone knows any spells? Then please post it here that you know a spell and the name of the spell, i...
A Dream Within a Dream 16 by TheMouse 2009/12/04
Have you ever had a dream in which you had a dream? And did you wake up from your dream within a dre...
ROYAL GHOSTS 11 by Laketempest 2010/02/05
Throughout history there have been stories about the ghosts of kings and queens and princes. Many mo...
> Nightmares..! 19 by ROCKY13 2009/02/10
Weve all had nightmares. However, there is a big difference between childhood nightmares and adult n...
> All UFO Secrets Must Be Disclosed 16 by ROCKY13 2008/08/21
In an unprecedented exclusive interview to A. J. Gevaerd, editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, one ...
Star signs... 11 by Kumz 2009/10/08
According to astrology in Sri Lanka, our star signs are given by astrologers, according to our birth...
Famous Serial Killers Of All Times 46 by DrLOONY 2007/12/30
Post any famous serial killers u kn0w of......
**luck**part=1 11 by LiFe_TiMer 2010/02/28
Basically(superstition'are either sign wich people observe to gain good [b]luck[/b] people who take...
Feng Shui 12 by saab 2010/03/05
Do u believe in d power and mystique of Feng Shui??...
Spirit of the glass 22 by marcingua 2010/01/20
Have you allready experience that the spirit that you have summon using that method of wich craft bo...
Why are zombies scary? 15 by R49hu 2009/11/07
According to some south african and caribbean religions, a zombie is a dead person, who has been bro...
~>Symbols nd signs 20 by mistic_spice 2008/03/07
There are so many, who can think of any and their meaning ex. fish -a christian sign reminding ppl o...
vampires diary 24 by Eleto 2010/03/30
dairy is an important book, it helps to remember the past. Have a diary today....
GRAVEYARD DIRT 17 by Laketempest 2009/12/25
Also known as CONJURE DUST, this is one of the most forceful of all magical hexing elements. Legends...
THE COLORADO GHOST LIGHTS 8 by Laketempest 2010/02/18
The cemetery at silver cliff, Colorado, is haunted by weird, blue lights that hover above the graves...
Mirrors and Screens 11 by TheMouse 2009/12/05
You know what happens when You place two mirrors in such a way that they face eachother... No, the d...
Vampire Vs Gorrilla 9 by _KJOE_ 2010/09/15
Which one do you think can win or can kill bettween the two?...
Da vampire 12 by Cutan 2010/09/10
Once was empire, ruled by evil vampire. Da nameless evilness, creepy corridors n hounting rooms. The...
Ouija Board 31 by DrLOONY 2007/12/31
The ouija b0ard has been ar0und 4 many yearz, and was n0rmally s0ld as a kidz game. But be warn, its...
Topics: 397
