*heart touching true story*. 19 by jaQui2015/04/26
A dad walks in to his 15-year-old sons room. He immediately notice that something is wrong. The room...
What is love? What is dating?14 by ALABISUNDAY2015/01/16
Many people defind love wrongly. Love is not when you have sexual intercos, or when you romance some...
#International Nurses Day#12 by Kayli2015/05/12
2day its International Nurses Day. Lets praise them all 4 the hard work they doing on a daily base. ...
Favourite good2 by @Don@2015/05/18
What ur favorite food item write here...smile....
Smoking is dangerous3 by Divlove2009/04/16
Many smokers have died untimely .TO Prevent death that result from smoking cigaratte production shou...
Something to Drink 18 by Saintless2011/06/30
In the cold weather what do you often drink? Which drinks that always come to your mind? Perhaps hot...
Drink water on empty stomach24 by scarllete2011/10/06
It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, ...
300 body10 by Eternal_Knight2011/10/30
Ever see the movie 300 and wonder how Gerard Butler got in that amazing shape? Strong, lean, and mus...
your life2 by _SUPERBRAT_2015/05/17
Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Mak...
Craziest thing ever13 by Poborsky2011/08/29
Share with us the craziest thing you've done in your lifetime....
9 WaYs To ImPrOvE Ur HeAlTh34 by STAIN2010/11/22
1. Be grateful-
Its the most valuable thing you can do for your emotional well-being. Each night, b...
The Beauty Foods4 by JOLENE32012/10/14
The Beauty Foods
What To Eat Each Day For Looks And Health
Apple Cider Vinegar
Beside havi...
Stages of a Relationship6 by ____THe.bosS2011/10/05
[i]A romantic relationship is divided into stages, did you know? Read the following article to know ...