General Area 2797 Topics

A forum for life in general. Post about news, social matters, relationships, lifestyle, or anything on your mind.

hello all on 2wapworld 9 by misfit 2016/02/16
I'm bi friendly not single ere to chat and make friends with both men and women :)...
where dem ladies at? 1 by Choice-mi 2016/03/01
need make up tutorials,beads, craft works. just anything you need here at ur disposal,.just tell me...
I Am New Here 9 by anus 2016/03/01
I hope members here will guide me accordingly how to have fun and enjoy here?...
Strictly ladies 3 by Choice-mi 2016/03/01
need make up tutorials,beads, craft works. just anything you need here at ur disposal,.just tell me...
U might as well face it 9 by zac 2016/02/21
Your Addicted to... -lol1-...
*Lover at 2wap* 32 by Kayli 2015/03/17
Do u intent 2 get married with ur 2wap lover ?...
World Innovation Day! 6 by Ajibola 2016/02/16
Spot a problem, think of a solution, and before you know it you’re innovating! No Idea is Usel...
Invisible user 4 by Dashman 2016/02/24
-heya- ppl here some ppl using invisible dress u can't see them in online list but they ...
#Missing Children# 11 by Kayli 2016/02/22
Its a shocking nr how many kids went missing in th world. In 2014__ 667,900 was reporting missing. A...
Pray for school children who killed brutaly by 22 by HandsomeDon 2014/12/17
Please prayer for Peshawar 's school children ....... that 132 children and nine members of staff ha...
*Children learn what they live* 10 by Kayli 2015/04/20
IF a child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn. IF a child lives with hostility. HE learns 2 ...
HI... EVERYONE ! 15 by Deepak420 2016/02/04
Hi... Everyone ! . . . ,how are you ?...
*Web Life* 15 by jaQui 2016/02/16
It's basically saying that people who are having sex and together are usually always talking to some...
*Who Knows* 26 by jaQui 2016/02/14
Have u told people in your real life about this place...2wap? Would you? Or do u prefer to have it ...
*Lets Dance* 10 by jaQui 2016/02/07
Do you like dancing? What kinda dance, rock n roll Ballroom, Close dance with your Lover, or ju...
Debate 9 by Samuel099 2016/02/08
Anyone out there to solve this question with a brief explanation or details? The question is, Li...
DRINKING WATER 20 by Princepioneer 2012/01/05
Who Is The Most Important Person In Your Life? 11 by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/12
We all have many different people in our lives who come and go over the years. However, only a few...
Your 2wapworld Crush! 8 by Ajibola 2016/02/09
Ever since we join 2wapworld, undoubtedly everyone seems to have @least one crush here..... Its cou...
Valentine's special,,, 8 by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/02/06
Friends, 14 Feb is near we celebrate Valentine's day! So here is entertainment for all 2wap users,...
Topics: 2797
