General Area 2794 Topics

A forum for life in general. Post about news, social matters, relationships, lifestyle, or anything on your mind.

What does mean your dream about someone 7 by gopi010 2014/05/15
What does it mean when you dream about someone you was'nt thinking about it? It's this girl i use ...
letting go 5 by InternetLord 2014/05/15
If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and e...
When is the right time? 5 by gopi010 2014/05/14
When is the right time to say the 3 magic words " I LOVE YOU", in your instinct?...
Youth 'bully' website shocks Germany after beating 5 by latrine 2011/04/16
Youth 'bully' website shocks Germany after beatings......
What is real love in our life 1 by kris1920 2014/05/15
Is love pain when a person is gone Is love the smile or the butterflies in your stomach when a pe...
One day god sends a chair to Two Lovers 7 by Rohan786 2013/11/12
One day god sends a chair to Two Lovers The specialty of that chair was that the person sitting...
sacrifice 4 by Georginia 2014/04/17
Children shouldn't have the sacrifice so that u can hav the life you want. You make sacrifice so y...
self Confidence 4 by king diamond 2014/04/22
Once a fisherman was sitting near seashore, under the shadow of a tree smoking his beedi. Suddenly...
What you want first 4 by king diamond 2014/04/22
12 Rules For Knowing What You Want Play with starting small make it a daily habit to have an o...
Building your Self confidence 2 by king diamond 2014/04/23
1. Dress Sharp Although clothes dont make the man, they certainly affect the way he feels about...
Negative to positive thoughts 1 by king diamond 2014/04/23
1 Take control of your brain. Anything and everything in life can be explained as a bad or good. ...
Creative mind power 4 by king diamond 2014/04/23
1 Be dependent on yourself, rather than on anyone else. Don't take this to mean that you should dis...
Everyone Possible 2 by king diamond 2014/04/23
1 Decide what is important. Take a step back and think about whats important to you. What do you re...
Worth Reading 2 by aksy 2014/04/22
Never Share Ur Secrets with Anyone.This can be Self-Destructive,Perhaps the most Important Advice in...
How to be HONEST 3 by king diamond 2014/04/23
1 Choose a focus for your introspection. Good ones include goals, career, money, family, spiritua...
Everything success 1 by king diamond 2014/04/24
1 Learn how to train your mind at times when you're feeling down and negative. This will help with...
life Steps 5 by king diamond 2014/04/23
1 Understand your needs. List your mental, emotional and spiritual needs. Being surrounded by ...
your Parents 6 by king diamond 2014/04/23
1 Respect them as much as you can. Take a deep breath , counting may work at times. Relax , and...
Relationship 4 by king diamond 2014/04/23
1 Be happy with yourself. This is the most important step. Take up a hobby, such as exercise, rea...
WINNING in life 3 by king diamond 2014/04/26
Believe in yourself. You live as you believe. If you believe you can fly, you can fly. Make a...

Topics: 2794
