A forum for life in general. Post about news, social matters, relationships, lifestyle, or anything on your mind.
"Give Yourself"6 by -LILY-2014/08/07
Give ur self a chance
Give ur self the moment
Give ur self the freedom
Give ur self the ...
EINSTEIN29 by EpIcInCoGnItO2010/06/09
Einstein Quotes: 6 Great Lessons You Can Get from Them
Albert Einstein is one of the most celebra...
How to develop trust.4 by kris19202014/08/01
Trust related issues are at the bottom of most
mental health problems.
It could be difficulty trus...
INVEST YOUR TIME WISELY.....6 by firstfeb2014/07/26
STRATEGY.1: Be organized.
Prioritize. make sure of the more Important things.
STRATEGY.2: Avoid Ti...
Dont lose ur pen8 by Georginia2014/08/04
Lost ur pen - no pen
No pen - no notes
No notes -no study
No study - fail
Fail - no diploma
No diplo...
...Friendship ...6 by Anoop81872014/08/03
Kyu muskilo me sath dete hai dost , Kyu har gnt baant lete hai dost , Na rishta khoon ka , Na riwaz ...
Punish!!!8 by _ShAnE_StArK_2014/07/13
Every guy isn't the same.
And every girl isn't the same.
So just because you've been hurt by one.
who are our friends?9 by InternetLord2013/07/03
There are friends that you have polite chats with,and there are your best friends.
Theyre the pe...
mounting CIVILIAN death toll3 by Xiao Zen2014/07/30
There have been 2 stories recently that have been making headlines for ever mounting civilian casual...
U r sweet and unique : pari6 by kris19202014/07/29
You are a person, beautiful and
unique... express yourself, strengthen
yourself, kick yourself, we...
I solemnly swear...5 by Lovegood2014/07/12
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. -mwahaha-
Any Potterheads here? I just wanna know or yo...
My mother 5 by kris19202014/07/25
Then the plate Stretching
In childhood you
Now the mother to break
So do not say anything ..
True Beauty - Be Still :Pari8 by kris19202014/07/20
It is not fancy hair, gold
jewelry, or fine clothes that
should make you beautiful.
No, your beau...
Sweet School days6 by Rohan7862014/05/30
-hi-That mini party you had when the teacher leaves the classroom... -party-...
>TRUST CREATED TRUST8 by Kayli2014/07/21
Im sure we all battle here about TRUST. Wht i knw, is that "TRUST CREATED TRUST" If we dnt trust our...
Last night!!!9 by _ShAnE_StArK_2014/07/11
Last night,
thinking of you,
one tear rolled out,
I asked why r u out?
Tear said there is someon...
To meet!!!4 by _ShAnE_StArK_2014/07/19
To meet to know and then to part Is the saddest part to every human heart...:)...