General Area 2797 Topics

A forum for life in general. Post about news, social matters, relationships, lifestyle, or anything on your mind.

Mubarak Eid-ul-Azha to our muslim frndz 12 by ABHIRAJ 2019/08/11
emo1538# Eid is a sacred celebration when the Muslims come together and hug each other with promise...
FOCUS 4 by Maryam 2019/08/10
​​things to focus on: 1. Your purpose in life⏳ 2. Your health 🌡❤️ 3. Y...
MEDICAL DEGREE OF PAKISTAN 8 by zugzwang 2019/08/09
our friendship. by harsh 2019/08/10
As i think of our friendship, i begin to see, mere words can't describe wht to you mean to me, wh...
Thought of the day by harsh 2019/08/09
For the beautiful eyes, look for the good in others, for the beautiful lips speak only words of kind...
Love your husband 35 by ABHIRAJ 2015/05/20
Love him When he orders you to make cofee or tea... He wants to feel fresh to listen your 'nonstop' ...
*cowboys dont cry infront of their horses* 18 by jaQui 2015/11/18
cowboys dont cry infront of their horses..?.horse. If u lose. Do it with a smile. -hehe- ...
The dynamic lady Sushma Swaraj 6 by ABHIRAJ 2019/08/07
India mourns Sushma Swaraj's death India on Wednesday mourned the death of former external affairs m...
The Scientist 2 by Shush14 2019/08/08
*COLDPLAY* Come up to meet you Tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you are I had to f...
True Love in net relations...! 36 by saahir 2018/07/23
Searching true Love in net relations, is nearly impossible. As here I found .0001%. If you add more ...
tribute to sushma awaraj by zugzwang 2019/08/07
great indian politicial mrs. Sushma swaraj is now no more. she breath herlast ,yesterday night. she ...
Invictus 2 by Shush14 2019/08/05
By ~ William Ernest Henley Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, ...
special status 1 by zugzwang 2019/08/05
bjp led modi govt. of india, today desolved the article 370, which gives the special status to north...
Always use 3 GOLDEN RULES in life 6 by harsh 2019/08/04
who is helping you, don't forget them who is loving you, don't hate them who is believing you, don...
Friendship Day 4th August 2019 11 by ABHIRAJ 2019/08/03
International Friendship day is therefore celebrated around the world in order to create awareness a...
Life..@ 1 by harsh 2019/08/04
Knowingly we have dont tym 2 help people. Unknowingly we always manage tym to hurt people. Think...
Don't wait anymore 5 by Rango 2019/07/31
You have a goal you want to achieve in the future? Don't wait any longer, go for it. In most times...
First Wireless Pacemaker 1 by HandsomeDon 2014/05/12
Indian origin # US ScientistVivek Reddy has developed the world's first wire less pacemaker which is...
E~G~O 9 by Maryam 2019/07/24
Don't set your ego too high. Huge ego, huge possibilities to break up as well. You might los...
flood in india 1 by zugzwang 2019/07/23
as mansoion arrives in india there is flood in most parts of india… very big problem, but many big...
Topics: 2797
