Chess Club 140 Topics

For chess-related discussion, puzzles, trivia & analysis, and anything involving 2wap's Chessboards.

leisure companions by zugzwang 2019/07/14
my book on chess '' leisure companions'' is in pfress nd will publish this book I uncovers t...
variation names by zugzwang 2019/06/12
in chess game there are many opening systems and than variations and sub variations, named after pla...
great chess quotes. by zugzwang 2019/05/23
every chess master was once a bigginer.erving chernev....
Cot D' Ivoire GCT tmt. 1 by zugzwang 2019/05/12
after 9 rounds Carlsen slips but still ahead in this blitz tmt.carlsen won this event....
chess tournament. 9 by zugzwang 2019/04/28
in chess room we r starting a chess tournament from 1st of may, intrested players to participate pls...
summer problem 4 by zugzwang 2019/04/23
there is too much hot in chess room,requirment of atleast 4acs, my opponent came 1st at board nd sit...
chess study composers 1 by zugzwang 2019/04/19
tthere were many composers ewho contruibutred to chess by inventing nd composing beautiful /or surpr...
MOST INTRESTING GAME OF CHESSS EVER. 2 by zugzwang 2019/04/14
why carlsen at top. 1 by zugzwang 2019/04/20
here I observed few secrets of Carlsen, y he is at top nd defending his title of world champions eas...
Post game Analysis (chess) 5 by zugzwang 2015/06/30
there is penalty of room to improve at chess bye analysing ur finished games..this is what the top ...
chess puzzle solving contest:(2) 3 by zugzwang 2015/07/13
winner's prize 500+es black has a Q and K against white's K,B and N. the puzzle is to find a fortre...
chess tragic incidents(1) 4 by zugzwang 2016/02/21
in 1891 world chess champion William Steinitz was playing chess with Russian Mikhail Chigorin by cab...
The Best Chess Player 7 by David.adams 2016/06/20
Who Is the Best Chess Player?...
learn nd improve at chess by zugzwang 2019/04/19
there r many chess sites where u cn find topics on chess and improve at chess, online play nd learn ...
Dailly one Question contest 57 by zugzwang 2016/02/04
here is a contest regarding chess. dailly one question & first correct reply will earn 500+es TODA...
TragiComedies in Chess 21 by zugzwang 2016/01/18
there r many tragic-comedies happened in chess..i ll mention some of them here in dis topic. if u ...
Top ten countries 10 by zugzwang 2016/02/04
fide released the world rankings countrywise (feb.2016) the top ten countries are:- 1-RUSSIA 2-CHI...
St. Teressa International Open 6 by zugzwang 2016/11/30
st. Teressa open chess tournament starting from 1st dec. 2016 at Gaziabad. i m participating. hope l...
Bahadurgarh International open by zugzwang 2016/12/02
I ll play in dis tournament too. It's from 26 to 30 dec. 2016....
Chandigarh All India Open 2 by zugzwang 2016/12/02
there is a big event in Chandigarh from 21 to 25 dec. 2016. i will play in this tournament and will...
Topics: 140
