what is the most stupid game for you!? by dontTRUSTme 2007/06/21 06:10
Just like mario.

-ame-no-yuki- 2007/06/21 06:34
Hey mario is greet game lol!
-ame-no-yuki- 2007/06/21 06:35
Me hate pacman g . .
SpArKo 2007/06/21 23:05
Nautica 2007/06/22 02:01
snake lol
ROMEO_ 2007/06/22 09:31
Spykido 2007/06/22 20:52
Is snake u got it rite nautica
Belinda 2007/06/22 23:01
mix pix.. huh..
Tox1c1ty64 2007/06/23 02:00
I dont like pacman...
Notisaint 2007/06/24 12:11
4 me, d m0st stupid game 4 me is bomber man...
carlos86 2007/08/09 07:28
movi games they allways suck
Swetgirl 2007/08/09 14:34
S0me games wif a fat man walkng ar0und at the r0undab0ut
Fyah17 2007/08/10 02:14
First thing first how can u say mario in this thread. . .there was this stupid game solitare on 4ne. . .not the card 1
Atefa 2007/08/25 07:59
I'll go for snake.
alNa 2007/08/25 10:45
Ro game..stUpid game..
Bikerchain 2007/08/25 21:05
JINO 2007/08/26 02:49
eggal and flash game.
-NeSTa- 2007/08/27 12:29
Is_001 2007/08/27 15:39
Da losser game is......Da mario game... Coz da monsters is so bored....
CASANOVAdeMARCO 2007/08/28 08:20
hurm.. most d adult games r stupid..
Hotlink 2007/08/29 09:18
Sport game
Replies: 129

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