Rap BattleZ Info by NinthElement 2007/03/30 21:54
Initiating a battle
Rap battles should be arranged by friendly agreement via inbox, or by creating a thread with a title such as '(your name) vs anyone'. Please refrain from dissing in the thread title. The opening post should state who goes first, and contain any special rules such as time limit per response, minimum and/or maximum number of verses or posts, and who will judge the winner.
SpArKo 2008/09/13 05:46
The battle is to be conducted only between those participants whose names are mentioned in the rules at the opening post by topic initiator. No other persons are supposed to diss in a running battle if their names are not mentioned, they can only judge the winner and vote for them at the end of battle.
SpArKo 2008/09/23 11:33
Judgement and Prize:
The final judgement of the battles lies with the Staffs of 2Wap. On completion of a battle, one of the participants may inform any Mod especially responsible for RapBattle Zone for deciding the winner. The ultimate winner of final sequel of a battle may be awarded with pluses depending on the agreement.

Underground 2010/01/19 17:26
Biting lines frm other rappers,international or a 2wap rapper when battling may lead to a disqualification,hence the winner of the battle will be the opponent.
Underground 2010/01/19 17:31
FREESTYLER OF THE DAY - Will be determined by the rap-zone moderator,this will be eighther by his own selection or nomination by other members.The prize will be 25 plusses.
Shaev7 2010/09/23 09:16
There should be no copying or opening a thread with same name that a rapper has open before. If there must be rethreading,the mc should inform the zone's MOD. Any rapper who violates this rules without informing a staff,will be penalise.

Shaev7 2010/09/23 09:20
With UNDERGROUND, i accept your suggestion,FREESTYLER OF THE DAY.
The best freestyler of the day will be awarded 25 pluses.
NOTE: When freestyling,there should be no dissing among each other,just a friendly n tight freestyle.

Shaev7 2010/10/08 21:45
It is a pure warning that no one should create a topic/thread that will upset the rappers and moderatorz of the zone. Any such discover or detected will b deleted.

Resphanto 2010/11/22 13:57
i declare that any MCEE that WINS a BATTLE should be paid 200+s.

Resphanto 2010/11/22 14:02
if two MCESS are to battle,they can bet with pluses between them selves who wins.All they should do,is to send a PM to any of the RapBattleZ Moderators,stating how much pluses they are both BETTING.

Shaev7 2011/02/06 11:17

When any of the MOD of this zone is battling any mcee,the judgement/votes must be out of the zone i.e,it shouldn't involve any rapper here,the organiser of the battle will open the thread to SHOUT OUT publicly and paste the threads link so all 2wap memberz will vote. There will be a specific timelimit which it will open for votes,aftermath,the organiser will count the votes. The highest votes wins.

NOTE: this is to avoid problems of sidings between mcees! Process of judgement between other mceez remains the same.

Its also applicable when a top/famous mcee is battling too. MOD/Battle organiserz,please take note!

Shaev7 2011/03/24 12:09
Battle JUDGEMENT: update!

If an mcee spit less than the require verses in a battle, the other mcee with complete verse automatically wins the battle/match.

please take note judges!

Shaev7 2013/03/14 19:24

This should strongly be adhere to by Judges (especially moderator),
Any mcee that goes against the rule before and after battle shall be penalise with a downgrade of 100+ and automatically lost the brawl/battle.
This is to maintain peace and overflood of an unjudged match and to avoid confussion during judging in battle.
After a match is over, and both mcees involved in the match still post in the thread while judgement is going on, the first of the both mcees to post or fault or inrerrupt shall automatically be disqualified i.e immediately after a battle, both mcees should just sit down and wait for their judgement.
If they have any complain, they should drop it at complain box or pm the moderator.

Please Mod of this zone should take note and strictly execute this laws!

This topic is closed.
#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.