Your fvrite 0nline gamez.. by WhiteLotus_Tp 2007/03/05 13:05
Me? Owh,ragnarok online(nictout ro),gunbound,maple.. Jxwar2..

Muse007 2007/03/08 01:59
Ragnarok,dragon online,ryL,gunsbound.
w1zard 2007/03/10 13:52
world of warcraft
yashierz 2007/03/10 14:51
Online game in my phone the era of eidolon
Aodour55 2007/03/11 03:04
lock and load
Dark_angel 2007/03/11 09:17
World of warcraft and ragnarok online
XxxBaBy_ShOmEL88xxX 2007/03/13 12:03
Ragnar0k on9 n drag0n on9
barbie_doll 2007/03/15 09:53
Ragnarok, Tantra, Conquer.
mustang 2007/03/16 17:05
world of warcraft
mustang 2007/03/16 17:07
world of thats the most addictive game ive ever played hahaha
XxxCutie_BabyxxX 2007/03/18 05:04
Super dance n ragnar0k on9
jumper 2007/03/18 20:06
Battel field 2 pc game /smiley
oOoLoOo 2007/03/18 22:21
Counter Strike Condition Zero,Ragnarok Malaysia,Maple, O2 Jam,Super Dance,RaN On9,RyL - Incomplete,Gunbound,Knight On9,Ghost On9,Pirate On9
Vi10x 2007/03/20 14:00
Guild wars
jhoey22 2007/03/28 14:14
i like ragnarok online games. including those private server,like EvaRO and qRO.
kulkaz 2007/03/29 05:57
sastrawardo 2007/03/29 08:23
Natakuno 2007/04/01 16:34
Gunz, ijji's.
syaI 2007/04/01 23:18
Maple story
Princ3 2007/04/02 05:49
I like thecrims. Its an romanian online game.
Bluebell 2007/04/03 08:08
/smiley /smiley
Replies: 87

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