!HIP HOP QUOTES! by criminalogic2007/02/22 11:32 aight jus one line/verse not a song! no more thena post! quote tha best hip hop lines hear but name tha artist album and song(if possible..at least one of tha three should be listed.) GOT IT?
criminalogic2007/02/22 11:37 artist/album: canibus song patriots.i think DONT EVEN TALK ABOUT GUNS! THA ONLY 9 U GOT IS A 5 DOLLER BILL AND 4 ONES!
CHEV_CHELIOS2007/02/22 11:49 artist:EMINEM album:EMINEM SHOW song:SING 4 THA MOMMENT coz whn we~sing 4 thez kids who dnt hav2think~eccept 4 a dream and fuckin rap magazine~who postin thyr pictures on thy wall~all day long~analys thyr favourate rapper,and know all thy songs!
Code_red2007/02/22 13:46 biggie.. ready 2die warning.. der wil b slw singin/and flower bringing/if my buglar alarm starts ringing
criminalogic2007/02/22 14:13 group:army of the pharaohs. album:the torture papers .artist: celph-titled put on my work outfit wita belt~4my~rachet/ u gon melt~wen~tha~gat~spit/ shoot ya mother at ya funeral she fell~in~tha~casket/ how convenient is that~shit? lmao
hail mary:i aint no killer bt dnt push me,revenge s lyk a sweetest joy next2gettin pussy!
TinHeart2007/02/23 17:17 2Pac: 'Wars come and go but my soldiers stay eternal!'
PyRoMaNiAc2007/02/23 17:40 Artist:selvin Song: attention>nom'i hiphop inama flop(even if hiphop has flops) I'l stick 2 it.Cal me stupid.Havin no record deal realy proves it.
CHEV_CHELIOS2007/02/23 18:06 Artist: 2pac song:changes album:all eyez on me(i thnk) i c no chages>woke up in da morning,thn i aksd myself iz life worth living or shud i blast myself!
criminalogic2007/02/23 21:24 group: ONYX. album: allwegotisus . elry 90's. STICKY FINGAZ: thinkn bout takn my own life, i mite aswell/ cept they mite not sell weed in hell!
criminalogic2007/02/23 21:29 ONYX: allwegotisus: FREDRO STARR:u roll ahundred n**az deep, and not one a u gota GUN! i bust one shot u see ahundred n**s RUN!
criminalogic2007/02/23 21:47 STICKY FINGAZ,freestyle i use 2 mug n**as on tha A-TRAIN/ put a hole in they head so big u see THEY~BRAIN/ mos tha bullets i shot aint have NO~NAME/ if u a thug then u probly been ARRESTED/ u cant geta honest job wita RECORD/ i dont kno how much more i can take/ im going broke kid, im spendin more then i make/ a thug can only bend so much till he brake/ next time u see me it'll b at my WAKE!
criminalogic2007/02/23 22:13 group: jedi mind tricks. artist: icon tha verbal hallowgram icon dwell in tha forest like tha EWOKS/ see WE ROCKS, following tha profitic books of ENOCS/ from tha TREE TOPS/ hang over ya cypher likea NINJA/ WITH IN THA,perimeter of tha disagreeable SINa..
criminalogic2007/02/24 00:21 sticky fingaz: ONYX: allwegotisus born in brooklin NEW YORK moved 2 QUEENS/ in my TEENS/ my pants is bustin out tha SEAMS/ wit this gun in my JEANS/ wit out it i wouldnt have lived this long in my wildest DREAMS/ if ima starr, tha spot lights police high BEAMS!!!
CHEV_CHELIOS2007/02/24 14:22 Slim~Shady feat.d by 50 cent> dont push me!> get rich or die tryin dis iz my idea/dis iz my sweat n tearz/dis da shit tht i saw/my ballz/my earz/dis me whoz got 2 b/wat u c on tv/wat u hear on cd/wat u thnk its easy?/..
CHEV_CHELIOS2007/02/24 14:30 Dis iz my verson!!! dis iz me out here/it iz me dat u fear/diz iz how i wipe my tearz/diz is wat im 4/how i talk/how i walk/it iz me dat u feel/whn ur read me texting shit/whn u hear me spittin it/im gon b here il neva quit/and best b sure it aint no picnic!!...
dis iz me out here/it iz me dat u fear/diz iz how i wipe my tearz/diz is wat im 4/how i talk/how i walk/it iz me dat u feel/whn ur read me texting shit/whn u hear me spittin it/im gon b here il neva quit/and best b sure it aint no picnic!!...
PyRoMaNiAc2007/02/24 16:44 Artist:Eminem Album:re-up Song:no apologies >U 2,U CAN xpect no simpathy 4rm me/Im an mc/dis how Im suposd 2 b/cold as a G/my hearts frozen,it dnt evn beat/so xpect no apology
PyRoMaNiAc2007/02/26 06:02 Artist:2pac Track:wonder y dey cal u bitch >kip ur head high~legs closed~eyes open/either a nigga wears a rubber o he dies smokin...
criminalogic2007/03/01 13:56 group: ONYX album:SHUT EM DOWN artist:sticky fingaz shoot you wit disposable Gats// bust u wipe it off throw it away its a Wrap! same album. sticky: NI*AZ LIKE US GON BRING THA GAME BACK!!! BUT SO MENY WACK RAPPER OUT HEA I DONT NO WERE 2 AIM AT// . . . . I SWARE 2 GOD AINT NOBODY TOUCHIN ME!! NXT TIME U C ME IT'LL B THA LAST THING U EVA SEE!! . . . . I ROLL WITA SHOT GUN IN A CONVERTABLE!! I WISH A NI*A WOULD TRY 2 FUCKING JACK ME I MURDER YOU!!