Hello by ehriebear2022/01/28 11:52 I wonder if anyone I know is still here. My old account has been deleted. 🥺 I don't even know where everything is now except for Smiley. Lol. I wonder if anyone can guess my old username is? If not say hi to me coz I'm here again y'all!!
Zaphara2022/01/28 14:57 May I know your old account please, maybe I can recognize you 😀
ehriebear2022/01/28 15:03 I'm asking everyone to guess. You can see my old account in the statistics 😆😆
Zaphara2022/01/28 15:06 Ohh I'm sorry my bad lol 😂
ehriebear2022/01/28 15:07 I'm included in one of the top. Gummy hates me. Kriwil loves me. Liam probably doesn't like me right now. LOL