Surround yourself with motivated people by Mula_Lake 2021/04/17 14:05
This goes back to the positive environment point: You need to be around others who are just as ambitious as you. American entrepreneur John Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with it.” And whether or not that’s true is debatable, the reality is being around the right kind of people can only help you grow.

If you’re surrounded by those who love your ambition, you’ll be more ambitious and achieve more. If you’re surrounded by loved ones who tell you your goals are stupid and tell you to change them, you need to avoid them.

Be around those who help you feel comfortable being the ambitious, go-getter you are, so you can become the successful person you’re meant to be.
Davisville 2021/05/02 05:15
nice one with good morals.... so remember to dream big but not too big.... my point is dat people dream unnecessary
KingFISHER 2021/07/26 17:09
Hmm! Good moral.
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.