...ROCKY... 2021/03/16 18:35
I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet 😢
Stay happy, because in this world more poor people live than us. 😊
Milisha 2021/03/16 19:36
Always happy and thankful whatever you have in life..ðŸ™
...ROCKY... 2021/03/16 22:11
Milisha: Always happy and thankful whatever you have in life..ðŸ™
Ƴᗴᗩᕼ ᗪᗴᗩᖇ Ƴá—á‘Œ á–‡IǤᕼ丅 😊
Maryam 2021/03/18 10:35
Grateful heart...
Davisville 2021/03/24 20:02
we must be content with wat we have; all we must do is to pray and work hard to achieve success. 1 thesselonians 5:17-18
...ROCKY... 2021/03/24 22:12
Davisville: we must be content with wat we have; all we must do is to pray and work hard to achieve success. 1 thesselonians 5:17-18
I agree with u davisville 😊ðŸŸ
KingFISHER 2021/07/26 09:18
Milisha: Always happy and thankful whatever you have in life..ðŸ™
You are absolutely right my love.
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