Why are chatrooms made by users deleted? by Davisville 2021/02/21 14:19
Why is when a person will create a chatroom and it will be deleted after some hours?
Davisville 2021/02/22 20:38
and also, y are chat messages deleted
Davisville 2021/02/22 20:39
wat are bet points?
Adhira 2021/02/24 16:37
Yaa -why-???
...ROCKY... 2021/03/17 19:32
This is the rule here, the computer automatically deletes the message and also the room
Davisville 2021/03/18 06:51
for wat reason, can we talk to them?
KingFISHER 2021/03/24 16:52
Chat Rooms are temporary room and it's last for certain times. When the room creator left that room for certain time the system deleted. Bet point you can earn by won the betting.
Davisville 2021/03/24 19:50
i can't understand it
Davisville 2021/03/24 19:57
bet point, teach me
...ROCKY... 2021/03/25 19:19
Davisville It is from a long time ago there used to be a chess game here maybe we got bet points by playing that chess and now that chess game has been removed from here 🤕
KingFISHER 2021/07/26 00:54
Quote: Davisville: Why is when a person will create a chatroom and it will be deleted after some hours?

This is a temporary home dear. It will continue as long as you hang out there.

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