Reach to Home safe and sound by KingFISHER 2021/01/06 10:29
Wish you may have a safe and sound journey BBY Milisha . She is going to Guyana from USA . I miss you sweetheart.
KingFISHER 2021/01/06 11:36
She is already in the plane. Will take off soon.....
KingFISHER 2021/01/06 15:32
Without you I'm wreck
KingFISHER 2021/01/06 17:06
Miss you BBY! Reach safe baby!
KingFISHER 2021/01/06 18:10
She is almost reach, I, m just waiting to hear the news of her safe and sound reach.
KingFISHER 2021/01/06 19:30
Honey you reached already BBY? Oh let me know BBY. Miss you bby!
KingFISHER 2021/01/07 11:27
Still unknown to me you reach safely or not. Im worried. Best wishes bby.
KingFISHER 2021/01/07 17:35
Enjoy your time bby. Miss you honey.
Milisha 2021/01/07 17:43
My love I reach home safely bby..
Milisha 2021/01/07 17:43
Missed you too much my love..
KingFISHER 2021/01/08 00:48
Alhumdulillah! Thanks to Allah.
heartkiller 2021/01/08 18:36
So finally match is over 😀 I enjoyed the live commentary hehe
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