Back in time by latrine 2020/10/01 17:58
Hi I'm
I seem to be only getting into the old version

Is ragnorak still alive
sHiVeRiNgFlAmE 2020/10/16 18:07
KingFISHER 2020/10/21 06:50
Quote: latrine: Hi I'm
I seem to be only getting into the old version

Is ragnorak still alive

Assalamualaikum dear. Yes he is still alive. But nowadays he is very busy. Thank you!

latrine 2020/11/11 20:21 see.u

latrine 2020/11/11 20:22
Quote: KingFISHER:

Assalamualaikum dear. Yes he is still alive. But nowadays he is very busy. Thank you!

Wslm bro, still here...
Has the old site replaced the new site,?
Or am I logging into an alternate universe

latrine 2020/11/11 20:23

I'm smiling when I see ur nic, its been years mate

latrine 2020/11/11 20:23
Quote: KingFISHER:

Assalamualaikum dear. Yes he is still alive. But nowadays he is very busy. Thank you!

You too man, its been like forever...

Mula_Lake 2021/04/17 05:30
Quote: latrine: Hi I'm
I seem to be only getting into the old version

Is ragnorak still alive
same here and it's not cool

Zeast 2021/10/14 16:13
Quote: latrine: Hi I'm
I seem to be only getting into the old version

Is ragnorak still alive
..... Gawd !!! Tariq Bhai where are ye.... Ye the oldest one btw

Zaphara 2021/11/18 13:42
Missing the old 2wapworld 😊
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