Best friends for life by Milisha 2019/10/04 15:44
One day a mouse formed a close acquaintance with a frog. In their friendship they shared many stories and experiences.

Once day the frog played a prank by tying the foot of the mouse to his own. Soon as he tied their feet together the frog jumped in the pool and swam around dragging the poor mouse through the water.

He ignored the piteous cries of his friend intent on his own enjoyment as he laughed merrily and continued swimming this time diving deep into the water.

Soon the poor mouse died and the dead body floated to the top of the pool this time dragging the unwilling frog with it to the top of the water.

As soon as the dead body floated a hawk spotted it and dived picking the dead body and carrying it away to it's nest. The frog still tied to the foot of his dead friend was also eaten by the hawk.

Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright. It dose not correct anyone. Because it shine the whole world is full of light. Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world.
krack 2019/10/04 16:10
Nice Message ...Keep posting !!!!
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