Funeral ideas. by
outlaw 2019/09/13 00:07
Imagine a very good friend who was always there for you for more than ten years. But she fell into the hands of some horrible people lately. Some extremely selfish egoist people..the kind who are willing to destroy everything around them as long as their ego remains intact. The kind of people so hungry for power they would set a town on fire so they can be king of the ashes. What would you say on the funeral of such a friend? I'm just looking for some last word suggestions.
Lelsi 2020/09/05 22:51
I don't know, honestly whatever you'd say that person is gone.. You know they said always say the best about dead, I mean they lived how they lived and no point in pointing out their bad deeds and actions.
Lelsi 2020/09/05 22:53
Perhaps I would say that I am grateful for all the things she did for me but sad that her life went in this wrong direction, and wherever you are now, I hoe you will find peace and get forgiveness for your bad actions. But then, I honestly never experienced something like that and hope I won't.
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