People like that are Hard to find by
ABHIRAJ 2019/09/07 00:20
If You Find Someone, Who Makes
You Smile, Who Checks Up On You
Often To See If You’re Okay,
Who Watches Out For You And
Wants What’s The Best For You,
Who Loves You And Respects You,
Don’t Let them Go. Keep Them Close,
And Don’t Take Them For Granted.
People Like That Are Hard To Find.
zugzwang 2019/09/07 04:46
yes true, ppl like that r hard to find.
Maryam 2019/09/07 16:49
Yeah these are the memorable people in our lives that we shld never let go..
jaQui 2019/09/08 22:19
If u ever get some one like that hold on tight. Don't ever let go.!!!!!!
saahir 2019/09/09 03:43
Give value to such people and
Lelsi 2020/09/05 22:59
Yes.... But sometimes life is cruel and those people just vanish from your life, gone with the wind
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