In the swimming Pool by ABHIRAJ 2019/09/02 00:03
Wife: There's Trouble
With The Car. It Has
Water In The Carburetor.
Hubby: Water In The Carburetor?
That's Ridiculous.
Wife: I Tell You The Car
Has Water In The Carburetor.
Hubby: You Don't Even Know
What A Carburetor Is.
I'll Check It Out.
Where's The Car?
Wife: In The Swiming Pool.
Trycera_Paul 2019/09/02 05:03
saahir 2019/09/02 05:15
Very funny /smiley
zugzwang 2019/09/02 08:19
David.adams 2019/09/02 11:41
Hahaha very nice...
Maryam 2019/09/02 15:35
OMG the car is swimming 🤣
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