Mubarak Eid-ul-Azha to our muslim frndz by ABHIRAJ 2019/08/11 08:22
Eid is a sacred celebration when the Muslims come together and hug each other with promises of charity, kindness, harmony and brotherhood. This festival is not about being happy but to make others happy and nurture their desires. The Islam community from all across the globe shows their gratefulness to Allah for everything they own. There are two kinds of Eids that are celebrated throughout the globe with great fervor and fun. The first one is Eid-ul-fitr and other being Eid-ul-Azha.
Come guys let us wish all our muslims friends on this occasion,and give them ours heartly wishes
shafieq 2019/08/11 09:24
Eid ul adha 2 all muslims around the world
Thapasya 2019/08/11 11:40
Maryam 2019/08/11 12:38
/smiley for good wishes Abhiraj.. Eid Mubarak to all 2wap Muslims
Arushi 2019/08/11 12:50
EID MUBARAK Ho Aapko,Dher Sari Taarif Aur Khusiyan Mile Aapko,But, Jab EIDI Mile Aapko To Please….Aap Yaad Karna Sirf Mujhko!!!-hahaha-
Arushi 2019/08/11 12:51
Bakra DebitCash CreditQurbani DebitGosht CreditQasai DebitKhaal CreditAap DebitHum CreditEid Mubarak…Humara Msg DebitApka Reply CreditEid Ul Azha Mubarak To Alls emo1374#
zugzwang 2019/08/11 13:18
mubark ied to alll
zugzwang 2019/08/11 13:19
abhiraj ji ko id mubarak
zugzwang 2019/08/11 13:23
can any ll tell here whyis ied celebrated..
zugzwang 2019/08/11 13:28
abhi khan ji ko ied Mubarak.
HandsomeDon 2019/08/11 15:22
Quote: zugzwang: can any ll tell here whyis ied celebrated..

Please read "
Come guys let us wish all our muslims friends on this occasion,and give them ours heartly wishes" . Its not necessary only Muslim create topic

HandsomeDon 2019/08/11 15:25
EID Mubarak to all our Muslim friends
Sushivas 2019/08/12 06:54
Eid Mubara /smiley
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