LiV3 WiTh0uT by Tweetums 2019/07/18 14:55
Friends, What is the one thing you can't live without ?
Sanjaysingh 2019/07/18 15:56
Air (oxygin)

harsh 2019/07/18 16:19
its true love...
harsh 2019/07/18 16:20
nd whtt u r??...
Maryam 2019/07/18 20:01
My phone 😯
zugzwang 2019/07/19 04:22
saahir 2019/07/19 04:40
Tweetums 2019/07/19 04:58
Don't try to be oversmart guys. -hahaha- We all aware about basic needs essential for human life like Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Sleep. These are things that we physically must have in order to survive. Here Iam asking about a thing you love the most.
Tweetums 2019/07/19 05:01
Quote: harsh: nd whtt u r??...
I love music. Life would be pretty dull without Music.

Sushivas 2019/07/19 06:47
Without Best friends we can't live in world
Trycera_Paul 2019/07/19 08:10
4 me family
jaQui 2019/07/19 14:51

My Tablet and Food /smiley

TemPEST 2019/07/22 01:21
Lol i can't live without life
LutaayaIbrahim 2019/07/26 20:41
Oxygin plus food
Sushivas 2019/07/30 13:01
Live without friend, it will slowly move toward death ☹☹😢😰😰😭
Stolen 2019/09/03 15:23
Tweetums i cnt live without u lol
jaQui 2019/09/08 22:43

My fimily, friends and my phone

Davisville 2021/01/21 17:32
Oh! look at u, Is divine grace from God
Mula_Lake 2021/04/17 04:59
My phone
keltikfury 2021/04/23 18:39
My galfriends
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