chess tournament. by zugzwang 2019/04/28 06:19
in chess room we r starting a chess tournament from 1st of may, intrested players to participate pls register his/hert nemr here. n. no entry fee . prizes... 1st 100000pluses,2nd 60000 pluses.3rd. 40000 pluses 4th. 30000 pluses 5th. 2000 pluses. 6th to tenth. 6th to 10th 10000pluses each. there will be MAX 8 ENTRIES ND7 round ALL PLAY ALLL format,
David.adams 2019/04/28 11:49
ABHIRAJ 2019/04/28 12:12
Good work..keep it up/smiley
David.adams 2019/05/02 10:44
Wooo guys had de tournament started?
zugzwang 2019/05/03 06:48
Quote: zugzwang: in chess room we r starting a chess tournament from 1st of may, intrested players to participate pls register his/hert nemr here. n. no entry fee . prizes... 1st 100000pluses,2nd 60000 pluses.3rd. 40000 pluses 4th. 30000 pluses 5th. 2000 pluses. 6th to tenth. 6th to 10th 10000pluses each. there will be 7 round swiss format,
register soon pls ur name

zugzwang 2019/05/03 06:50
david adamsand me zugzwang. confirmed for chess tmt.
NinthElement 2019/05/04 16:59
Let's try to get 8 players before we begin the tournament /smiley
zugzwang 2019/05/05 06:44
[quote=9thElement]Let's try to get 8 players ALL PLAY ALLL FORMATbefore we begin the tournament /smiley[/quo
zugzwang 2019/05/05 06:46
there r 3 players registered yet.1. davidadams2. 9th element nd 3 zugzwang.
David.adams 2019/05/06 17:33
Mai where are u?
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