summer problem by zugzwang 2019/04/23 08:04
there is too much hot in chess room,requirment of atleast 4acs, my opponent came 1st at board nd sit in front of cooler dats y hv to sit against cooler, I felt too hot nd lost concentration nd the game too. hmmm
zugzwang 2019/04/25 14:34
oh. itz too hot n suffocation here in chess room,
NinthElement 2019/04/25 16:02
Air conditioning is a big need in some climates. Global warming may make it worse and ac contributes to that too. Players in Russia and Norway etc are more fortunate in this regard
zugzwang 2019/04/26 06:38
zugzwang 2019/04/27 13:09
Quote: 9thElement: Air conditioning is a big need in some climates. Global warming may make it worse and ac contributes to that too. Players in Russia and Norway etc are more fortunate in this regard

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