Don't go far away by saahir 2018/11/04 16:20
Though we are failed
to understand each other
we could not walk
side by side..

But our hearts beat
in a same rhythm,
counts of their beats,
are also same..

Our destinations are
long and short,
One of us has
a short journey
and other one
having little long..

So let me carry
Burden of your luggage,
you to cover your destination,
before I reach my destiny...!!!

krack 2018/11/04 16:40
Nice !!!
ABHIRAJ 2018/11/04 17:19
Count of beats are same?really thats intresting..
saahir 2018/11/04 17:37
Quote: ABHIRAJ: Count of beats are same?really thats intresting..

"Counts of beats" here means. "Ye dil mangey more" -hahaha-

_SonIcGirL_ 2018/11/04 18:00
Chan ahe Khup
saahir 2018/11/04 18:09
Quote: _SonIcGirL_: Chan ahe Khup

Prantu kiti chhan?

_SonIcGirL_ 2018/11/04 22:50
Quote: saahir:
Prantu kiti chhan?

Milisha 2018/11/05 01:19
krack 2018/11/05 02:55
Quote: Milisha: Beautiful

Milisha 2018/11/05 03:01
Quote: krack: Whose?

krack 2018/11/05 03:10
Quote: Milisha: topic
and Topic Poster ???

saahir 2018/11/05 03:34
Quote: krack: and Topic Poster ???

He is not very ugly but.. ! /smiley

saahir 2018/11/06 04:39
Quote: krack: Nice !!!


~shiroz~fa 2018/11/07 16:34
Perfect one -tap-
Maryam 2018/11/10 15:34
Beautiful as usual ..if the counts of their beats are also same then they will never b faraway
Maryam 2018/11/10 16:06
Quote: saahir:
He is not very ugly but.. ! /smiley
....very naughty he is .lol.

saahir 2018/11/10 16:23
Quote: Maryam: ....very naughty he is .lol.

He was, but not now .lol.

Maryam 2018/11/10 16:24
Quote: saahir:
"Counts of beats" here means. "Ye dil mangey more" -hahaha-
The heart desires more ..even when it knows it cant HV ... but thts nature ryt?

saahir 2018/11/11 09:30
Quote: Maryam: The heart desires more ..even when it knows it cant HV ... but thts nature ryt?

Yes, it is a natural thing.

KingFISHER 2018/11/12 16:59
Let me carry my luggage myself please!
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.