Insecure people by ABHIRAJ 2018/07/25 14:42
Only some in secure people after aparting from there former partners, shows their Hate,coz of guilt,because guilty conscience pricks their mind..and starts making false blame just to hide their guilt...lnstead of accepting their fault..may God give peace to them..
~shiroz~fa 2018/07/25 16:07
Really its true words abhi,,/smiley
ABHIRAJ 2018/07/26 01:14
Who bothers

Maryam 2018/07/26 13:38
Quote: ABHIRAJ: /smiley
Who bothers

Yeah.. Right no blames, no hates, no guilts just accept what has happened in good faith

ABHIRAJ 2018/07/26 14:20
Quote: Maryam:
Yeah.. Right no blames, no hates, no guilts just accept what has happened in good faith

Yes maryam you are right..l have no hates and l dont even blame anyone for anything. .just moving on happily in my life..but some dont like it...

jaQui 2018/07/26 17:07

Do u need a mad

ABHIRAJ 2018/07/27 01:23
Quote: jaQui:
Do u need a mad

Will let you know soon /smiley

jaQui 2018/07/27 18:21
Will let you know soon /smiley

waiting .mad.

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