**Happy Birthday dear MARYAM** by saahir 2018/05/10 07:51
"Maryam" is known here @ 2wapworld as my best friend. She is celebrating her BiRtH dAy today. 
to you Maryam .flowers.

Greet her with your love and blessings. Flood her G.B with your love 
and good wishes.
ABHIRAJ 2018/05/10 08:21
Nοt Everyone In This Wοrld Is Blessed
With ΑN Understanding , Trustworthy ,
Caring ΑNd Loving Friend .
That Is Exactly Why Ι Consider Myself
Sο Incredibly Lucky.
Α Very Happy Birthday Tο You.
Have ΑN Amazing Day.
Have a blessed birthday Maryum

saahir 2018/05/10 09:01
Sun shines when you smile. 

Star forget twinkling 
when you walk in the night. 
Moon plays hide and seek. 
If you look up in the sky. 
Keep your eyes up in sky.
We could enjoy the play of moon
and stars.

/smiley .rose.

_SonIcGirL_ 2018/05/10 09:19
Happy Birthday
Maryam 2018/05/10 11:51
Quote: saahir: Sun shines when you smile. 

Star forget twinkling 
when you walk in the night. 
Moon plays hide and seek. 

If you look up in the sky. 

Keep your eyes up in sky.
We could enjoy the play of moon

and stars.

/smiley .rose.

Hide and seek in moonlight .lol.

Maryam 2018/05/10 11:52
Thank you all for ur wishes God bless you 💞
Sanjaysingh 2018/05/10 12:51
Happy birthday dear. .have a fabulas day../smiley
jaQui 2018/05/10 13:15

appy Birthday to you

Tweetums 2018/05/10 14:51
Happy birthday.
heartkiller 2018/05/10 16:15
Happy Birthday
heartkiller 2018/05/10 16:15
Quote: jaQui:
appy Birthday to you
You are bad in English LoL

heartkiller 2018/05/10 16:27
Quote: krack:

Shez gifting Appy fizz to maryam /smiley
Hahaha You are right

saahir 2018/05/10 16:28
Quote: heartkiller: You are bad in English LoL

Only in English?

heartkiller 2018/05/10 16:29
Quote: saahir:
Only in English?
Lol what else you want to say hahaha

saahir 2018/05/10 16:31
Quote: heartkiller: Lol what else you want to say hahaha

Nothing..!!! But in other languages too /smiley

HandsomeDon 2018/05/10 16:36
Happy .birthday. /smiley to you
Reticent_Linus 2018/05/10 20:37
In almost every year there's a day we Celebrate as ones Birthday.....But we shldn't 4get that at the end of every year we count in lives it means we did Skip our death day!
I don't mean scare nor spoil,it's just a Scarely Fact!

and be thankfull for life. /smiley

TemPEST 2018/05/10 20:39
Live happy always

saahir 2018/05/11 03:54
Quote: Reticent_Linus: In almost every year there's a day we Celebrate as ones Birthday.....But we shldn't 4get that at the end of every year we count in lives it means we did Skip our death day!
I don't mean scare nor spoil,it's just a Scarely Fact!

and be thankfull for life. /smiley


Milisha 2018/05/11 19:47
Happy birthday to you mary! Wish you all the very best dear /smiley 🎂
Maryam 2018/05/11 19:49
Quote: Milisha: Happy birthday to you mary! Wish you all the very best dear /smiley 🎂

Thank You Milisha /smiley

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