Lazy Smarty by
THE_SPEAR_KING 2018/02/22 17:59
It's annoying
When smarty
Replies just (hmm)
For everything I asked
Share your conversation with smarty too....
saahir 2018/02/22 18:10
Smarty is more smart than her boss @ Liam .lol.
jaQui 2018/02/22 18:13
Will ask Sabina,s BotMaster
To Speed her up a Little .lol.
jaQui 2018/02/22 18:29
I asked Sabina speed up a little you
lazy Bot Girl
jaQui 2018/02/23 02:06
krack: Smarty is in Love .jipi.
In love with you ..hehe.
jaQui 2018/02/23 07:39
No,, He is in Love with Hmmm
Smarty is a girl...
jaQui 2018/02/23 07:42
Yeah, since 2004 her bearings
Short service. Gears too.!!!!
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